Fluoropolymer – main materials used in the chemical industry.

Fluoropolymers PVDF-HP (high frequency) and PFA are manufactured in a very strict hygienic conditions, using carefully selected raw materials.

PVDF and PVDF-HP applications
  • The excellent characteristics in welding and thermoforming allow for easy and economical processing . PVDF- HP and PFA are used in piping and tanker for storage and transport of chemicals, and also for the apparatus engineering .
  • In the semiconductor industry;
  • The production and transportation of water and acids with ultra-high purity;
  • In biotechnology;
  • In the pharmaceutical and food industry;

ECTFE and ETFE Fluoroplasts are products with great resistance in an alkaline medium

Свойства на ECTFE и приложно поле:

Свойства на ECTFE:

  • Изключителна устойчивост в алкална среда – до рН 14;
  • Изключително ниско просмукване;
  • Високо удължение при скъсване;
  • Добра устойчивост при наличие на хлор, луга и алкални разтвори;
  • Термична стабилност в температурен диапазон от -76°С до +160°С;
  • Добри заваръчни характеристики и лесно термоформоване.

Приложно поле:

Този етилен-хлоротрифлуоретилен кополимер се посочва като абсолютно резистентен към концентрирани химикали и като притежаващ забележителни механични свойства. Той е идеалното допълнение към вече доказалия се PVDF в корозионната защита.

PVDF FLEX is a remarkable alternative to conventional polymers known:

  • Lining reactors;
  • Lining tankers;
  • Containers for chemicals;
  • Pulp and Paper Industry;
  • Chloride electrolysis.
Main characteristics ETFE and it’s use :

Main characteristics ETFE and it’s use :

  • Stable at temperature -190°С up +155°С;
  • Better chemical resistance than ECTFE;
  • Mechanical and technical features as ECTFE;
  • Excellent proven in weather and radiation;
  • Low water absorption;
  • Excellent abrasion resistance.


ETFE It is resistant to most mineral acids, inorganic bases , salt solutions and halogens.

Characteristics FEP, MFA and PFA

Characteristics FEP, MFA and PFA:

  • remarkable resistance to corrosion at high and low temperatures
  • FEP-190°С to +205°С
  • MFA-190°С to +250°С
  • PFA-190°С to +260°С
  • Almost unlimited resistance to chemicals;
  • Good performance in seepage;
  • Very high resistance to treatment
  • Exceptional thermoplastic properties for fully fluorinated plastics.
  • These materials are recommended for chemical plants and reservoirs which require high purity
    (PFA) and complete corrosion protection.

Fluoropolymer products FEP, MFA и PFA

FEP – Fluorinated ethylene propylene with chemical resistance as PTFE. Service temperature -190°С до +205°С (-310 до + 400°F). The product can be thermoformed into complex details
And to be weld with Symalit FEP welding rods and treated with standard equipment without problem.
It is ideal for subjecting in steel parts and for strengthening using fiberglass resins. Elasticity , the possibility of thermoforming , dimensions tailored to the production and optimal characteristics in welding make production process economical and secure .

Заготовки от FEP

Заготовки от FEP:

  • Тръби;
  • UV-облицовъчни тръби с предварително обработена външна повърхност за директно FRP усилване;
  • Полузавършени продукти – подложни ламинати, фолиа, електроди.
Materials MFA and PFA

Materials MFA and PFA

  • Temperature amplitude -190°С до +250°С /-310 до +480°F/MFA;
  • 190°С до +260°С 1-310 до +480°F/PFA;
  • PFA It is suitable for the highest hygiene requirements and has higher resistance to cracking.

They have the same characteristics as in treatment as Symalit FEP. The lack of any impurities(are extremely clean) open new scopes– semiconductor technology, pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, corrosion protection.

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