Semi-finished products of standard and special material pvdf (polyvinylidene fluoride)

The nomenclature of these plastics covers a wide range of applications:

  • sheets with thicknesses of 0.5 to 200 mm;
  • thin walled tubes with diameters from 10 to 1000 mm;
  • fittings with diameters of 16 to 1000 mm;
  • solid rods with diameters from 6 up to 800 mm;
  • thick-walled tubes with diameters of 125 to 450 mm;
  • profiles and electrodes;
  • electro fittings;
  • valves.

PVDF :Поливинилиден флуорид.
PVDF-SK :Каширан с полиестер
PVDF-GK :Каширан със сткловлакно.
PVDF FM 4910 :Спиращ горенето.

PVDF-EL :Eлектропроводим.
PVDF-EL-SK :Каширан с полиестер.
PVDF-S :Черен.
PVDF-C-SK :Кополимер, каширан с полиестер, голяма гъвкавост, предназначен за обличане на резервоари.p>

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