Polyethylene terephthalate (PETF) – Ertalyte
This material is used for heavily loaded bearings, bushings, guides, etc., dimensionally stable precise mechanisms (bushings, sliders, wheels, etc.) and electrical components. PETF is a high wear- and abrasion resistant. For example, at high P.V-values (load x speed) details of Ertalyte enable reliable and continuous operation, which in turn ensures a longer life of the equipment. Ertalyte has the best dimensional stability. Machine parts made from it retain their dimensions better than those made from polyamide and polyacetal. Ertalyte allows higher operating temperature – 160 ° C, mechanical strength and creep resistance up to 110 ° C. It provides high load capacity and excellent chemical resistance especially to acids.
Main features:
- high mechanical toughness, hardness and strength
- very good creep resistance
- low and constant coefficient of friction
- excellent wear resistance (comparable to or even better than polyacetal)
- very good dimensional stability (better than that of polyacetal)
- does not stain
- more resistant to acid than polyamide and polyacetal
- good electrical insulator
- physiologically inert (suitable for food contact)
- good resistance against high energy radiation (y and x-rays)
ERTALAYT TX (PETF + lubricant): Color: light gray The specific chemical composition of Ertalyte TX makes it an unique self-lubricating material for sliding bearings.
Specification: Ertalyte.pdf
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